How to Microwave Small Potatoes: Quick and Easy Guide



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To microwave small potatoes, wash them thoroughly and pierce each potato with a fork. Microwave on high for 5–7 minutes.

Microwaving small potatoes is a quick and easy method. It is less time- and energy-consuming than conventional cooking techniques. Small potatoes are perfect for this technique as they cook evenly and absorb flavors well. Simply wash the potatoes to remove any dirt or debris.

To stop the potatoes from bursting, pierce them with a fork to release steam. Place the potatoes on a microwave-safe dish and cook on high. Test with a fork to see whether they are done. This method is ideal for busy weeknights or quick meal prep. Enjoy your perfectly cooked small potatoes in minutes.

Selecting The Right Potatoes

Microwaving small potatoes is a quick and easy way to prepare a delicious side dish. But to get the best results, you must start by selecting the right potatoes. Knowing how to cook potatoes in the microwave begins with choosing the best variety and size.

Choosing The Right Variety

To microwave small potatoes, choose a variety that cooks well in a microwave. Here are some ideal options:

  • Baby Potatoes: These are small and cook quickly, perfect for microwaving.
  • Fingerling Potatoes: Their thin skins and small size make them a great choice.
  • New Potatoes: These are young potatoes with a tender texture, ideal for quick cooking.

Each variety has unique characteristics:

Baby PotatoesSoft and creamyButtery and mild
Fingerling PotatoesFirm and waxyEarthy and rich
New PotatoesMoist and tenderSweet and fresh

Choose the variety based on your preference. Each type has its own unique flavor and texture, enhancing your dish. For example, baby potatoes are soft and creamy, while fingerling potatoes offer an earthy and rich flavor.

Optimal Size For Microwaving

Size matters when microwaving small potatoes. The optimal size ensures even cooking and perfect texture.

 Here’s what to look for:

  • Small and Uniform: Choose potatoes that are small and similar in size. This ensures they cook evenly.
  • Bite-Sized: Potatoes around 1-2 inches in diameter are ideal. They cook quickly and thoroughly.

For consistent results, follow these guidelines:

  1. Wash and Dry: Clean the potatoes thoroughly and pat them dry.
  2. Prick with a Fork: Poke each potato a few times. This prevents them from bursting.
  3. Even Layer: Arrange the potatoes in a single layer on a microwave-safe plate.

By selecting small, uniform potatoes, you ensure they cook evenly. Pricking them with a fork helps release steam. Finally, arranging them in a single layer guarantees uniform heating.

These steps are essential for learning how to cook potatoes in the microwave successfully. By choosing the right variety and size, you’ll achieve perfect, delicious potatoes every time.

Preparing The Potatoes

Microwaving small potatoes is quick and easy. First, you need to prepare the potatoes properly. This step ensures they cook evenly and taste great. Let’s dive into the essential steps for preparing small potatoes for the microwave.

Washing And Scrubbing

Before microwaving, you must clean your small potatoes thoroughly. Washing and scrubbing them removes dirt and bacteria. 

Follow these steps:

  • Rinse the potatoes under cold water.
  • Scrub any dirt away using a vegetable brush.
  • Pay special attention to the crevices and any eyes on the potatoes.
  • Place the clean potatoes on a clean towel and pat them dry.

These steps ensure your potatoes are clean and ready for the next step. A clean potato guarantees a better taste and texture. Plus, it’s healthier for you and your family.

Piercing The Potatoes

Piercing the potatoes is crucial for even cooking. It also prevents them from exploding in the microwave.

 Follow these simple steps:

  1. Take a fork or a knife.
  2. Pierce each potato several times. Aim for about 4-5 times per potato.
  3. Pierce the potatoes on different sides to ensure even cooking.

This step is essential for microwave safety and even cooking. A pierced potato cooks faster and better. It also allows steam to escape, preventing any accidents. Whether you’re making a potato on a stick or a tornado potato, these steps are essential.

Also Read:  4 Ingredients Potato Bake

Seasoning Options

Microwaving small potatoes is a quick and easy way to prepare a delicious side dish. The right seasoning can make all the difference. Let’s explore some fantastic seasoning options to elevate your microwaved potatoes.

Simple Salt And Pepper

The classic combination of salt & pepper is perfect for enhancing the natural flavor of potatoes.The authentic flavor of the potatoes is brought out by this modest seasoning.  

Here’s how you can do it:

  • Wash and dry the small potatoes.
  • Prick each potato several times with a fork.
  • Place the potatoes in a microwave-safe dish.
  • Microwave the potatoes for 4-5 minutes, or until tender.
  • Take out of the microwave and cover with a little olive oil.
  • For improved flavor, add a pinch of salt and freshly ground black pepper.

For an added crunch, consider finishing with a sprinkle of sea salt after microwaving. For added flavor, you can also sprinkle in a little onion or garlic powder.

Herbs And Spices

How to Microwave Small Potatoes

Herbs and spices can transform your microwaved small potatoes into a gourmet delight. Here are some popular options:

  • Rosemary and Thyme: These herbs pair beautifully with potatoes. Sprinkle chopped rosemary and thyme over the potatoes before microwaving.
  • Paprika and Cumin: For a smoky, slightly spicy flavor, mix paprika and cumin with a bit of olive oil and coat the potatoes.
  • Parsley and Dill: Fresh parsley and dill add a bright, fresh taste. Add them after microwaving to preserve their flavor.

Experiment with different combinations to find your favorite. Adding herbs and spices can make your microwaved small potatoes truly special.

Microwaving Techniques

Microwaving small potatoes is an easy way to prepare a quick and tasty meal. Using the right techniques ensures they cook evenly and maintain their delicious flavor. Let’s explore some effective microwaving techniques to achieve perfect small potatoes every time.

Using A Microwave-safe Dish

Choosing the right dish is crucial for microwaving small potatoes. Always use a microwave-safe dish to avoid any hazards. Look for dishes labeled as microwave-safe or made from materials like glass or ceramic.

  • Place the small potatoes in a single layer.
  • Avoid overcrowding the dish for even cooking.
  • Add a small amount of water to the dish for steam.

Here’s a quick comparison of dish types:

Dish TypeMicrowave-SafeNotes
GlassYesEven heat distribution
CeramicYesGreat for steaming
PlasticCheck labelSome plastics are not safe

Using the right dish helps your potatoes microwave evenly and safely, ensuring a delicious meal every time.

Covering And Rotating

Covering and rotating your potatoes ensures even cooking. Use a microwave-safe cover or plastic wrap with small holes for steam to escape.

Follow these steps:

  1. Cover the dish loosely.
  2. Microwave on high for 2 minutes.
  3. Rotate the dish to ensure even cooking.
  4. Microwave for another 2-3 minutes.

Rotating helps each potato cook evenly and prevents hot spots. If your microwave has a turntable, it will handle some of the rotation for you. 

Always check the potatoes after the first round. They should be tender and soft. If not, microwave for an additional minute or two.

By following these simple steps, your microwaving potatoes will be quick, easy, and delicious. Covering and rotating are key techniques for achieving perfect results.

Checking For Doneness

Microwaving small potatoes is quick and easy. But how do you know when they are perfectly done? It is essential to check the doneness of your potatoes to ensure they are soft and flavorful. In this section, we’ll explore two simple methods: testing with a fork and squeezing for texture.

Testing With A Fork

Testing with a fork is a reliable way to check if your small potatoes are done.

To make sure your potatoes are cooked to perfection, follow these instructions:

  • Remove the potatoes from the microwave using oven mitts to avoid burns.
  • Insert a fork into the center of a potato.
  • Check for ease of penetration. The fork should slide in easily if the potatoes are done.

If the fork meets resistance, the potatoes need more cooking time. Return them to the microwave for an additional 1-2 minutes and test again.

Microwave TimePotato SizeTesting Method
5-7 minutesSmallFork

Remember to rotate the potatoes halfway through cooking. This ensures even cooking.

Squeezing For Texture

Squeezing for texture is another simple way to check if your small potatoes are done. Here’s how:

  • Use oven mitts in order to take the potatoes out of the microwave.
  • Gently squeeze a potato between your thumb and fingers.
  • Feel for softness. The potato should yield slightly under pressure if it’s done.

If the potatoes are still firm, microwave them for an additional 1-2 minutes. Repeat the squeezing test.

Note that overcooked potatoes can become mushy. Aim for a texture that is soft but still holds its shape.

Using these methods, you can ensure your small potatoes are perfectly cooked every time.

Serving And Enjoying

Microwaving small potatoes is a quick and easy way to enjoy a nutritious side dish. Once they are perfectly cooked, serving and enjoying them becomes an exciting part. You can add various toppings and pair them with delicious dips to enhance the flavors and make your meal more enjoyable.

Adding Toppings

Adding toppings to your microwaved small potatoes can make them even more delightful. Here are some tasty ideas:

  • Butter and Herbs: Melt butter and sprinkle fresh herbs like parsley, chives, or dill.
  • Cheese: Sprinkle shredded cheese or melt some over the potatoes.
  • Sour Cream and Chives: Top with a dollop of sour cream and chopped chives.
  • Bacon Bits: Crispy bacon bits add a savory crunch.
  • Garlic and Parmesan: Mix minced garlic with grated Parmesan cheese and sprinkle over the potatoes.

Pairing With Dips

Pairing your microwaved small potatoes with dips can elevate the experience. 

Here are some delicious dip ideas:

  • Ranch Dip: Creamy ranch dip complements the potatoes perfectly.
  • Spicy Aioli: A blend of mayonnaise, garlic, and hot sauce.
  • Guacamole: Avocado dip with lime and cilantro adds a fresh twist.
  • Honey Mustard: The tangy and sweet honey mustard is a fantastic option.
  • Cheese Sauce: Velvety cheese sauce makes the potatoes extra indulgent.

Experiment with these toppings and dips to find your favorite combination. Enjoy your microwaved small potatoes in the most delicious way possible!

Credit: YouTube /Justrose Montreal

Creative Recipes

Do you love potatoes and are in search of quick, delicious recipes? Microwaving small potatoes offers a fast and easy way to enjoy this versatile vegetable. Now let’s explore some inventive recipes that will turn your microwave baked potatoes into delectable meals.

Microwaved Potato Skins

Microwaved potato skins are a delightful appetizer or snack. Start with small russet potatoes for the best results. 

Follow these steps for crispy, delicious potato skins:

  • Wash and dry the potatoes thoroughly.
  • Prick each potato several times with a fork.
  • Place the potatoes on a microwave-safe plate.
  • Microwave on high for 5-7 minutes or until tender.
  • Once cooled, cut the potatoes in half and scoop out the flesh, leaving a thin layer inside the skins.

Now, it’s time to add the toppings:

  • After applying melted butter on the inside, season with salt and pepper.
  • Return the skins to the microwave and cook for an additional 2-3 minutes to crisp them up.
  • Top with shredded cheese, crumbled bacon, and chopped green onions.
  • In the microwave, melt the cheese for one to two minutes.

Serve your microwaved potato skins with sour cream or your favorite dipping sauce. This snack is perfect for parties or a quick bite at home.

Stuffed Microwave Potatoes

If you want a hearty meal, try stuffed microwave potatoes. This recipe is simple yet satisfying:

  • Begin with small russet potatoes and wash them well.
  • To let the steam out, prick the potatoes with a fork.
  • Microwave on high for 5-7 minutes, checking for tenderness.
  • Once done, slice the potatoes in half and scoop out most of the flesh into a bowl.

Now, it’s time to create the stuffing:

  • Mash the potato flesh with butter, salt, pepper, and a splash of milk.
  • Mix in your favorite fillings, such as cooked bacon, shredded cheese, or steamed broccoli.
  • Return the mixture to the potato skins with a spoon.
  • Top with additional cheese and microwave for 1-2 minutes until the cheese is melted and bubbly.

Enjoy your stuffed microwave potatoes as a main dish or a substantial side. Their delightful blend of flavors and textures makes them ideal for quick lunch or dinner.

Also Read: Nick’s Crispy Chicken Recipes


How Long Does It Take To Microwave A Small Potato?

Microwave a small potato for 4 to 5 minutes. Use a fork to make holes so that steam can escape. Check for softness.

Do You Need To Add Water When Microwaving Potatoes?

Yes, add a small amount of water when microwaving potatoes. It helps steam them, ensuring even cooking.

How Long Does It Take To Boil Small Potatoes In The Microwave?

Microwave small potatoes for 5-10 minutes. Turn them halfway through for even cooking. Pierce with a fork first.


Microwaving small potatoes is quick and simple. To always get flawless results, adhere to these instructions. Enjoy your tasty, hassle-free side dish. Experiment with toppings to add variety. Remember, microwaving saves time and energy. Now, you’re ready to whip up delicious small potatoes in minutes.

Happy cooking!

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